Keeping sensitive data and information secure is crucial for our clients, especially those who deal with personal health information. This type of information leaking into the wrong hands is not only dangerously wrong but will likely result in monumental financial and legal repercussions. That’s not to mention the amount of stress that would be placed on the victim.

Much of the work I do is on the state level, dealing with areas related to Medicaid. Our clients encounter high-security level information on a daily basis. They handle individuals’ personal information to test new systems or as validation of data exchanges with external entities.

It’s vital that anyone involved with these organizations and the use of sensitive or confidential data be well-versed and knowledgeable about cybersecurity. Even foundational knowledge helps clients to stay focused on the needs of the project rather than be distracted by possible security issues when allowing vendors access to recipient data. Clients and vendors should always be vigilant and expect the unexpected.

It’s important to have a good understanding of the information your organization has and the risks are associated with mishandling it, unintentional or otherwise. It’s not just the clients that should concern themselves with cybersecurity. Everyone has sensitive information that can be compromised. The more you know about general cybersecurity, the better prepared you can be.

All those in your organization should be responsible for, at the minimum, basic safeguards against cyberattacks. The threat to secure information is present at all levels. When educating staff on cybersecurity best practices and protocols, relay the same message at all levels. Cybercriminals do not distinguish between the clerk and the CEO. If organizational leaders demonstrate that cybersecurity is a priority, then other team members will take it more seriously.

Part of being secure is knowing where to turn for answers and who can help you identify gaps or needs. netlogx’ Security Management services provide our clients with the best and most updated consulting services. As technology progresses, so should our methods of protecting sensitive information. Security Management will continue to grow and evolve as more information is stored and transferred digitally.