Working remotely has its advantages.  My daily commute has gone from over an hour to less than a minute.  It’s exactly twelve steps from my front door to my office.  I can get there in no time at all, even when the weather’s bad.

But in some ways, I miss that daily commute.  It was an opportunity to still my mind and synthesize the day’s activities…mental white space, so to speak.  And so, it was an unexpected joy to have the opportunity to commute to the office recently from our downtown hotel.  My vehicle of choice was my reliable Kona LavaDome.  My highway was the Central Canal side path and it was wide open.  Door to door was about 8 minutes…just long enough to achieve a little clarity.

On Thursday’s ride home, I thought about something Rick Wilminko said in the day’s first session.   Every interaction with another human being is an opportunity to network.   I like that.  Those are words to live by…especially if you’re a recruiter.  Everyone sells at netlogx.  I sell by sharing our story and values with candidates.  The best people aren’t always where I expect them to be.  My greatest successes have occurred not when I worked the hardest, but when I’ve been open to opportunity and willing to accept it on its own terms.

I thought about another kind of opportunity during Friday morning’s inbound trip. The Dragon’s Den competition was all about creating value for netlogx.  I talk to so many people who are seeking a new professional home precisely because they don’t have the opportunity to create value in their present role.  As I pedaled alongside the canal through the early morning darkness in a caffeine-deprived state, I was thinking of only two things.  One was to stay out of the water.  The other was to contribute in whatever way the team needed me to.  Little did I know I’d be cutting green masks from construction paper in a few hours!

When it comes right down to it, we all must decide if we’re going to view the world as a place of abundance or scarcity.  Two days with the most amazing team members I could ever ask for reinforced my worldview.  The glass is half full.   No…wait…the glass is overflowing.  Opportunity is everywhere.   All we have to do is answer the door when it knocks.