The most valuable resource for any organization is the people that are employed and the knowledge and attitude of caring that they bring every day. Every executive, director, department manager, and employee can point you to the people that keep an organization running whether it is through their knowledge, dedication to long hours (that never appear on their paycheck), or ability to solve never-before-seen problems using creative methods.
The Certification Curse is directly relatable to government agencies. Certifications are often required, and the participation of your agency’s most important people are necessary for a successful outcome. The same people that are largely responsible for the day-to-day activity that keeps an agency relevant are suddenly called upon to expand upon their 50+ hour work week, often beginning with educating themselves on the requirements of certification and what they will need to do to secure the desired outcome.
The netlogx team is in a unique position to assist government agencies with these certification projects. We accomplish this through staffing an entire team that is dedicated to all different aspects of your certification projects.
First, our Project Managers (PMs) can focus on the big picture, understand the underlying requirements, and direct the overall efforts towards achieving the goal of certification. Our PMs become trusted resources that stand alongside the primary stakeholders from our clients and have the knowledge and education on the certification process to limit missteps.
netlogx will also bring Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) into the team. These SMEs have a background in the area they are assisting and have the responsibility of checking evidence prior to it taking the time of your key personnel, increasing efficiency by ensuring that only relevant material reaches the desks of your key people. They will work closely with our clients’ SMEs in their areas of expertise and ensure that the project meets the expectations of the individuals ultimately held responsible for the outcome of the process.
Finally, netlogx will bring Project Coordinators (PCrs) to a certification project. In my role as a PCr, I was tasked with scheduling meetings, attending and scribing for those meetings, tracking action items, and following up with SMEs from both our client and the netlogx team to ensure that information was communicated efficiently. By having dedicated PCrs, netlogx ensures that details are not missed and opportunities for follow up are maximized.
While the tasks normally assigned to each position can become overwhelming, I found myself with extra time at different points during the project and was able to fill in when I observed needs that could use additional attention. First, I was able to alter my schedule to match that of a key stakeholder at our client, coming in early and helping him prioritize tasks from both the certification process as well as other projects he was still tasked with managing. Additionally, I had the hours available to assist more thoroughly with one presentation for the client that had fallen behind and needed additional hours dedicated.
I particularly enjoyed that the different aspects of my position allowed me to build strong relationships with people from all over the agency with which we were contracted. I continue to call upon those relationships in other projects and have enjoyed getting to know the people that fight every day for citizens in need.
At netlogx, the most valuable thing we bring is to free your most valuable resources up to keep your operation running smoothly. By introducing different roles to your organization, we will ensure that the time requested of your key contributors is maximized, limiting their frustrations and increasing the influence they have over both the certification project, and the daily operations of your organization.