Building the storage and putting it in place: Data warehouse design and implementation services

Getting a data warehouse project right is a challenge. They require a broad and strategic vision before they can be implemented appropriately, together with a dogged focus on the monitoring of their progress and the correction of any missteps.

The problem with this is that the people in an organization who have the broad vision are at its higher levels. They don’t have the time to guide creation and implementation through every step.

Meanwhile, those at lower levels simply don’t have the insight because of their limited view of the company. They also tend not to have specialized skills needed to design the architecture, database and analytics environment.

This means that very few organizations can meet their data warehousing needs using just their employees.

This is where netlogx steps in to help. Our team has extensive experience in the design and implementation of data warehouses. We’ve worked with employees, no matter what their vision of their company, who have provided parts of the process.

We incorporate the lessons learned from previous projects and we take a disciplined approach to project management. Your dedicated netlogx team member won’t be a passive part of the project management: they’ll be at the forefront of activities that will bring positive results for your organization.

Our practical and iterative approach delivers value early. We avoid pitfalls like ‘build it and they will come’ (which is something we don’t see as a compelling business reason) and ‘trying to think of every use’ (which does not manage the scope of the project).

Instead, we take a methodical look at your data warehouse and implementation needs by taking each of the following steps:

  • Learning and analyzing your major business processes, so we understand your data flow and systems
  • Diving deep into source systems to understand the data and its associated issues
  • Creating an ‘as-is’ data model based on the analysis, which shows where we are before the design begins
  • Incorporating your strategic business initiatives into requirements that you know your organization has
  • Creating the ‘to-be’ logical data model which will meet your known requirements and expected analysis
  • Creating vital core pieces of the physical data warehouse and analytics tools in short, repeated ‘sprints’
  • Continually engage with employees from all levels of the organization to get their regular feedback
  • Incorporating lessons learned as part of each ‘sprint’, thus improving future ‘sprints’

Why are data warehouse design and implementation services important?

The netlogx approach to this significant project manages risk and avoids common mistakes. We’re also alert to potential problems early in the process, which means we create value instead of struggling to design and put the solution in place.