6 Steps to a Successful Organizational Change Process

by | Jan 17, 2020

Organizational change is a process, not an event. It’s not something that is planned and executed immediately, but rather a process that occurs over time. It takes collaborative input from every part of the business to develop the detailed process that must occur to achieve desired and successful results.

There are six (6) steps to creating a successful organizational change:

  1. Define the change and how it aligns to the business goal
  2. Determine impacts
  3. Develop a communication strategy
  4. Provide training
  5. Implement a support structure
  6. Measure the change process

With netlogx support, we help administer and oversee as clients’ current organizational processes are analyzed, interviews take place with staff, and a gap analysis is performed to determine what changes need to take place to help improve the organizational structure. Communications and trainings are then developed, and the new process is implemented and measured on an ongoing basis.

The process of organizational change is time-intensive, so sometimes individuals resist as it takes time and effort away from their day-to-day tasks. However, team members must invest their time to identify their needs. If carried out effectively, the client and their team can see benefits that streamline business processes and improve their bottom line.

There is an old saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” well, that isn’t always true. Due to the changes in technology and how businesses operate, it may be crucial to go through the organizational change process in order for your business to be successful. Let netlogx guide you from uncertainty to clarity. Contact us today!

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