Creating a Wellness Routine

by | Jan 18, 2021

A little less than two years ago, my cardiologist was very concerned about my weight and recommended that I go on a modified Keto diet. I must stress “modified,” because some of the Keto diets you find on the internet can actually be harmful to you. My diet is under the supervision of a certified dietician to whom my doctor referred me.

I started off great, losing almost 30 pounds in a very short time. Then I hit a weight wall that I could not get past. I asked my dietician what to do and she recommended that I increase my exercise. Increasing wouldn’t be hard for me since I hadn’t been doing any. 

I tried joining a local gym, but I quickly found that particular one didn’t work for me. It wasn’t due to lack of desire, just their general business hours policy. They simply weren’t open when I needed them to be.

With the new year in full swing, I’m in the process of finding a new gym that will fit my needs. I did some research for any pointers that can help me stick to my exercise regimen and find the right gym for me.

Here’s a few do’s and don’ts I found in my research:

Do find a gym that has operating hours that fit your needs. 

  • Do you need one that’s open 24 hours?
  • Is it open on Saturday and Sunday?
  • Is it open when you’re not working or on your days off?

Do find one that has the type of equipment that you will use.

  • Do you want free weights?
  • What about weight machines?
  • Treadmills and Cycles?
  • Do you want a pool?
  • Do you need a dressing room with a shower?
  • What about a sauna?

WeightsDo find one that has exercise programs that fit your needs and levels

  • Do you want access to Yoga?
  • Pilates?
  • Zumba?
  • Martial arts?

Do find one that fits your financial capabilities. For me, I plan to capitalize on the Fitness Benefit that netlogx offers to help pay for my gym membership. 

Then to help you stay on track, consider these top five personal don’ts.

  1. Do not try to make changes on your own. Your friends and family can serve as a source of encouragement while you are working on your goals. Have a trusted family member or friend work on improving their health with you. Try to find an “exercise buddy,” who will help keep you accountable.
  2. Do not keep it to yourself. Tell the people in your life about your goals. With others aware of your goal, you are more likely to stay focused and on track.
  3. Do not get overwhelmed. Start with a small, realistic goal and then make changes incrementally. If you want to lose 30 pounds this year, aim to lose five pounds. Once you lose those first five pounds, work on the next five. It is all about momentum. The confidence you gain from accomplishing the first goal will motivate you to achieve the second goal.
  4. Do not consider your goal a “chore.” Find fun ways to achieve what you desire and make sure you enjoy doing it. If you are committed to working out more, try a Zumba class or a different sport, like tennis. When you do something you enjoy, you are more likely to stick with it.
  5. Do not forget the benefits of technology! Did you get a new wearable fitness device this holiday season? Learn all about it and put it to use. There are also numerous apps available to help you improve your food intake and achieve your fitness goals. Use technology to your advantage. netlogx provided me with a Fitbit as another wellness incentive.

Whatever you choose to tackle in the new year, take it slow, trust the process, and celebrate the small wins you make along the way.

My plan is to lose my last 10 pounds. Let’s see how I do.

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