Wellness routines can consist of a variety of techniques and disciplines. The benefits of these routines have many cascading benefits such as reduced stress, increased productivity, and improved mental health.
My wellness routine centers around physical fitness activities. Weight training and cardiovascular training are staples and are complemented by other activities such as golf and walking the dog. Many find committing to these types of routines difficult and the pandemic certainly introduced some challenges as my local gym was closed for several months.
While closed, my brother and I used his company’s warehouse as our gym. We had limited equipment, so we needed to be creative and ended up with a fitness routine more like Cross Fit than traditional weight training. My cardiovascular training entails both road and off-road cycling. It is beneficial to have multiple outlets/options. The lack of gym access allowed me to focus more on cardiovascular training.
Obviously, weight training and cycling are not for everyone so finding a routine that is customized to your needs is key. Regardless of your routine, there will be days when it is difficult to convince yourself to execute the plan. Giving in to these thoughts can leave you feeling lazy, weak, and inadequate. Overcoming these thoughts will leave you feeling accomplished, empowered, and proud. I have never found myself regretting having exercised.
Of course, finding a routine with activities you enjoy increases your chances of success. Sticking to any wellness routine requires discipline. Therefore, create a routine that is not easily constrained by factors outside of your control such as the weather or a workout partner.
By the way, I have found that a dog is a great motivator and partner. My dog, Harvey, is always up for a long walk and/or “tech” support. In fact, he is insistent and who am I to resist those pleading eyes. So, no matter the weather, fatigue, or lack of motivation I can be sure to get exercise and fresh air with my best friend.
Finding a wellness routine is a personal choice and comes in various sizes and shapes. While a fitness regimen is certainly an option there are endless avenues. For example: taking up a new hobby, meditation, or simply a mantra that provides peace of mind.
Finding a wellness routine is a personal choice and comes in various sizes and shapes. While a fitness regimen is certainly an option there are endless avenues. For example: taking up a new hobby, meditation, or simply a mantra that provides peace of mind.
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