A Sigh of Relief

by | Sep 13, 2019

The enterprise project management office (EPMO) is the central hub that coordinates projects and ensures everyone involved has their needs and requirements met in a timely and cost-efficient manner. The EPMO is also responsible for ensuring that the main stakeholders remain apprised of key decisions, risks, issues, and changes that can either positively or negatively impact the project. netlogx provides a sense of security and relief by implementing clear processes, consistency, organization, and communication.

I have learned that communication is key to this security and relief. For the team to understand how we will get the ball down the court, we have to be able to look ahead to anticipate potential roadblocks, communicate any shortcomings, and be able to ask for help.

Recently, an organization hired netlogx because they were experiencing many issues and finding it difficult to move their project forward. Upon assessment, netlogx determined most of these issues stemmed from communication or lack thereof.

Due to this lack of communication, the various teams within the project did not work together as a team to ensure that the overall mission of the project was met. netlogx strongly emphasized the need for teamwork and transparency, enabling the team at large to bring the project to the finish line.

With improved communication, the various modules have begun to see the big picture of the project and are more energized about the project’s potential. By increasing the collaborative sentiment, the different teams are starting to see how each branch is part of one unified team.

The clients are appreciative of the extra hands and eyes and ears that are now on site. As the EPMO, we are here to alleviate – not dictate. At the beginning of my time on the project, there was an obvious sentiment of worry and apprehension; however, now the team members are relieved that they aren’t responsible for managing everything themselves. They are finding more time to get the actual work done.

netlogx is here to promote a smoother and more collaborative environment. Our mission is not to take work away from our clients. They are the subject matter experts – our services are meant to be a helpful resource.

As a project coordinator and consultant for netlogx, I feel appreciated every day for the sense of relief that I provide the client. I am able to anticipate needs and communicate the actions needed to keep the project moving forward. No matter how small the task, each impacts another, and all of these tasks ensure that netlogx is providing that sense of security for our clients.

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