Kindness Fills Our Cups

Kindness Fills Our Cups

As I reflect on the year I’ve had in 2023, it’s safe to say it was a little chaotic (but in the best way)! My fiancé, Amir, and I bought our first house in April and we’ve been working on some minor renovations to make it our own. We’re also deep into planning our...
There’s No Place Like Home

There’s No Place Like Home

This summer, my fiancé and I moved back to our roots in Indianapolis after living in Boston, MA for a few years. I had mixed feelings about leaving Boston and returning to Indianapolis, I was sad to leave the excitement of the city (and the proximity to the ocean...
Positivity and Puppy Love

Positivity and Puppy Love

At the end of April 2021, my boyfriend and I picked up our new best friend; a 15 pound, 12-week-old rescue puppy born in Mississippi. We were immediately in love with our sweet southern belle, Bonnie.  While I have been a life-long dog lover, Bonnie is the first dog...