Slowing Down for Wellness

Slowing Down for Wellness

One of the greatest habits that I picked up since the start of the pandemic was learning how to slow down. In the most formative years of my life, I thrived in a fast-paced lifestyle, always two steps ahead and thinking about what comes next.  When that freedom to...
Wellness Starts with Small Steps

Wellness Starts with Small Steps

There is a saying, “when you are overweight, even drinking water adds on weight,” and it was a feeling I agreed with at one point in time. About two years ago, my BMI index was on the overweight side, and my allergies were taking a toll on my personal life. This is...
Staying Positive in a Sometimes Negative World

Staying Positive in a Sometimes Negative World

As part of netlogx’ wellness initiatives this year, employees were asked to write a blog on “positivity”. The assignment was designed to be a constructive exercise, not only for the author, but for their fellow team members to read. While this blog should be an easy...
Gratitude is an Attitude!

Gratitude is an Attitude!

Each year at Thanksgiving our netlogx team members share something they are grateful for. What are you thankful for this year? I’m grateful for being able to sit in silence and feel the wonder of living one breath at a time. – Nick Taylor I am thankful for my health...
Finding Motivation for Wellness Routines

Finding Motivation for Wellness Routines

Wellness routines can consist of a variety of techniques and disciplines. The benefits of these routines have many cascading benefits such as reduced stress, increased productivity, and improved mental health.  My wellness routine centers around physical fitness...