Finding Inspiration in Friendships

Finding Inspiration in Friendships

Inspiration is defined as “the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.” However, a secondary definition is of “the drawing in of breath; inhalation.” It is then remarkable that as I live and breathe, I am...
Inspiration Grows Where Love Is Rooted

Inspiration Grows Where Love Is Rooted

I’ve been asked many times throughout my life where my inspiration comes from or what inspires me. I think that has changed over time and sometimes depends upon the situations or circumstances I encounter. However, I always come back to the strongest form of...
Some Benefits of Sauna Use

Some Benefits of Sauna Use

Until recently, my experience with sitting in a sauna was based on the past. My childhood friend had an outdoor one built by his father. Oftentimes, my friends and teammates ended up in the YMCA sauna after basketball, racquetball, or swimming. Regardless, the...