by Stephanie Sponsel | Mar 8, 2021 | netlogxTeam
What brings you joy? I would say my friends, family, and kids bring me joy – especially when they’re happy, and we are able to spend time together. What would you like to learn? I would like to learn sign language – I know some of the basics but would like to learn...
by Stephanie Sponsel | Dec 9, 2020 | Organizational Change Management
Organizational Change Management (OCM) is the framework for managing the effect of new business processes, changes in organizational structure, or cultural changes within an enterprise. Frequently, the most significant challenges of OCM lie, not in managing the...
by Stephanie Sponsel | Mar 10, 2020 | netlogx in the News
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Brittani Martel, Porch Light PR 317.629.1669, [email protected] Sara Jones Selected as Indy’s Best and Brightest Finalist Junior Achievement of Central Indiana honors 100 of central Indiana’s most outstanding young...
by Stephanie Sponsel | May 20, 2019 | netlogxTeam, Wellness
When I hear the word wellness I immediately begin to think about the gym or the elliptical machine I sold because my kids played on it more than I used it. When you truly, though, dig down, I think wellness can mean different things depending on the events happening...
by Stephanie Sponsel | Feb 22, 2019 | Bucket List
At netlogx, we were encouraged to do something on our bucket list. With three kids and one on the way my bucket list has a lot of items with a wide span timeline that I hope to accomplish with both my husband and family. The top of those items, though, is to be more...