The Certification Curse

The Certification Curse

The most valuable resource of any organization is its people—their expertise, dedication, and the caring attitude they bring to their work every day. Whether it’s the executives, directors, department managers, or employees, each one is essential to keeping an...
Inspiration through Mother Nature

Inspiration through Mother Nature

Inspiration: This year’s HR initiative at netlogx is INSPIRATION, which got me thinking about who or what inspires me. So many things and people came to mind, and it was hard to know where to start! Upon reflection, I find the power of nature awe-inspiring. The sheer...
Kindness is a Virtue

Kindness is a Virtue

Kindness is not only one of the netlogx operating principles, but it is also our theme for this year. As a company, we have tried to keep KINDNESS at the forefront of everything that we do! We have sent several kindness postcards to team members throughout the year as...