Be Thankful for Small Things, Big Things, and Everything in Between

by | May 25, 2023

As difficult as it is for me to believe, we are rapidly approaching a new year! At the end of each year, I always like to take some time to reflect on the experiences and memories I’ve gained. This year, in keeping with the 2022 netlogx Gratitude initiative, I have enjoyed reflecting on how much I am thankful for from the past year.

First of all, I am grateful for my family and friends and a year of spending time together. I am especially thankful for my toddler and all the new experiences I have been able to share with her. Watching her go from crawling, to standing, to walking, to running over the course of the year has been a joy. Every day she seems to learn something new, and it is so much fun to see her sense of humor and learn about her interests. (Cats, dogs, and trucks are her current favorites!)

With a mobile and active toddler, I am also grateful for our extremely patient cat. We are very fortunate that she is so good natured and goes with the flow. As a former “only child”, I worried when our daughter was born that it would be difficult for our cat, but she has adjusted to life with a toddler beautifully.

Professionally, I am grateful for my netlogx community and the team’s commitment to flexibility and support of team members. Working full time with a small child has been a learning curve and I am so appreciative of the netlogx team willingness to accommodate personal conflicts so I can balance both work and family commitments.

Lastly, I am grateful for my project team and clients. 2022 has been an exciting and busy year and I have truly enjoyed the opportunity to learn and tackle new challenges.

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