Highpointing Across the U.S.A.

Highpointing Across the U.S.A.

In 2019, netlogx announced a new challenge to all team members: check off something on your bucket list, and netlogx will help pay for it! At this point, 2019 was shaping up to be quite the exciting year for me with things like getting married, honeymoon, bachelor...
LA Bucket List

LA Bucket List

Over Labor Day Weekend, I travelled to Los Angeles, California. Los Angeles has long been a place that has piqued my interest. The glitz and glamour of Hollywood, the beautiful coastal climate, the juxtaposition of mountains to beaches, and of course, the off chance...
Switzerland 2019 – Bucket List – Check!

Switzerland 2019 – Bucket List – Check!

“Unless you are willing to experience new things, you’ll never realize your full potential” – Wim Hof One activity that has always been on my bucket list is to skydive. As the years went by, my responsibilities increased, a family, bills to pay etc. and as the primary...
What’s on Your Bucket List?

What’s on Your Bucket List?

Now that I asked myself that question, I realize my bucket list has certainly evolved over the years.  At 8-years-old, I wanted nothing more than to go to Disney World. At 15-years-old, I wanted to go to my very first music festival. When I was 20-years-old, I had my...
California Dreaming

California Dreaming

My cousin and I have been known on occasion over the years to watch the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, as well as Vanderpump Rules. For several years we have talked about how we ought to go to Los Angeles and check out the scene first-hand and all of Lisa...
My Holy Moly Monster Truck Experience

My Holy Moly Monster Truck Experience

At netlogx, we were encouraged to do something on our bucket list. With three kids and one on the way my bucket list has a lot of items with a wide span timeline that I hope to accomplish with both my husband and family. The top of those items, though, is to be more...