Wellness Routines During Change

Wellness Routines During Change

As we headed into the chilly Chicago winter, I had to adapt my morning routine to stay active and meet my wellness goals. One essential piece of equipment that’s helped is my walking pad, which I purchased earlier this year using netlogx Wellness Dollars. Now,...


“I write to remember. What I don’t write is blown by the wind of oblivion.” Isabel Allende Journaling is the act of transforming your daily experiences, thoughts, and feelings into words. It is a simple practice that helps you process abstract concepts into clear...
25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary

As we come to the end of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the founding of netlogx, I have naturally been contemplating the journey. Over the last 25 years, and especially as we have grown and been honored with more interviews, I am frequently asked about...
Having An Attitude of Gratitude

Having An Attitude of Gratitude

In practicing gratitude daily, simply has transformed my life. Starting with gratitude helps me to focus on the goodness, to stay positive and shift my view of the world. In a world where there is so much negative going on. It is easy to feel that you have nothing to...