Gratitude in Scary Situations

Gratitude in Scary Situations

As 2022 comes to a close and I reflect on the year, “gratitude” is one word that stands out.  Gratitude can present itself in a variety of ways, both personally and professionally.  Sometimes it presents itself immediately and sometimes it is a little harder to...
There’s No Place Like Home

There’s No Place Like Home

This summer, my fiancé and I moved back to our roots in Indianapolis after living in Boston, MA for a few years. I had mixed feelings about leaving Boston and returning to Indianapolis, I was sad to leave the excitement of the city (and the proximity to the ocean...
Enjoy Where You Are Right Now

Enjoy Where You Are Right Now

Everyone goes through different seasons in life. Some seasons are more fruitful, with progress and achievement of goals. Some seasons are stagnant and stasis, with no visible light at the end of the tunnel. No matter what season you are in, there is always something...
Gratitude Wish in El Camino

Gratitude Wish in El Camino

Endorsing charitable causes/events seems to be an important part of an organization’s culture, and netlogx is no exception. Second Helpings and Dress for Success are examples of charities which netlogx has supported over the years. And netlogx has provided team...
Lessons in Gratitude from an Old Friend

Lessons in Gratitude from an Old Friend

There is nothing in this world that Tuffington Montgomery LaRoux, III, Esq. (or Tuffy for short) enjoys more than sunbathing. Every afternoon, Tuffy sprints out of the house – a golden, fuzzy blur of tongue and fur – to joyfully greet the sun. He plops onto the grass,...