The Internet Can Inspire

The Internet Can Inspire

“Inspiration is a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something that gives you new and creative ideas,” as defined in the Oxford Dictionary.  As I focus on this, I am reminded of the people in my life who I am inspired by on a daily basis.  This may surprise...
The Art of Being Yourself

The Art of Being Yourself

I don’t see myself as a great motivator or trendsetter, but I’m pretty sure that I’ve inspired my kids to embrace my slightly twisted view of things… and they’re better for it. By this, I mean that being weird is a good thing. Find out what you like to do, do it, and...
Take a Look Around to Find Inspiration

Take a Look Around to Find Inspiration

Inspiration is all around us. It can be derived internally, externally…today or tomorrow. The exciting part about inspiration is the wonder of the WHAT and the WHEN – what shape is the inspiration going to arrive in and when is it going to strike? Now, as far as the...