by Lauryn Andrews | Nov 7, 2024 | Inspiration
Inspiration comes in many forms, and often, it surfaces during life’s most challenging moments. Uphill battles—whether physical, emotional, or mental—don’t always reveal their silver linings right away. But with time, persistence, and discipline, even the...
by Laura Shanahan | Oct 24, 2024 | Inspiration
Gather: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” – Helen Keller As a child, I spent a lot of time playing and gathering outdoors with friends and family. In my neighborhood we created our own “park” on an empty lot, where all our playground games...
by netlogx | Sep 19, 2024 | Inspiration
Inspiration can often seem fleeting, but it is deeply personal and ever-present, especially in the practice of yoga. As a yoga teacher, I see inspiration as more than mastering poses or breath control. It’s about the journey of self-discovery and growth that...
by Diane Walton | Sep 12, 2024 | Inspiration
Inspiration: Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it, in part, as an inspiring agent or influence. When asked who or what inspires me, I’ve thought about the question a lot, as it can take many forms—some grand and some simple but no less meaningful. While not as grand...
by Vicki Chabot | Jun 20, 2024 | Inspiration
Inspiration: This year’s HR initiative at netlogx is INSPIRATION, which got me thinking about who or what inspires me. So many things and people came to mind, and it was hard to know where to start! Upon reflection, I find the power of nature awe-inspiring. The sheer...
by netlogx | May 23, 2024 | Inspiration
Inspiration is defined as “the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.” However, a secondary definition is of “the drawing in of breath; inhalation.” It is then remarkable that as I live and breathe, I am...