Interview with Lauryn Andrews, netlogx Consultant

Interview with Lauryn Andrews, netlogx Consultant

What brings you joy? There are a lot of things, helping other people, impacting another person’s life really brings me joy. What are you most afraid of? I’m most afraid of losing people closest to me. What would you like to learn? I’d like to learn how to be a better...
Interview with Madelyn Harris, netlogx Consultant

Interview with Madelyn Harris, netlogx Consultant

What brings you joy? I think just human interaction, I like spending time with my friends and family and connecting with them. What are you most afraid of? I think dying young or one of my loved ones dying suddenly. What would you like to learn? I’d like to learn how...
Have Fun and Go Run

Have Fun and Go Run

If you’re like me, you’ve probably neglected your New Year’s resolution fitness goals of 2019, but are looking for ways to dive right in. With recent enhancements to the netlogx Wellness Reimbursement program, our options have greatly expanded for reimbursable...