by Stephanie Sponsel | May 20, 2019 | netlogxTeam, Wellness
When I hear the word wellness I immediately begin to think about the gym or the elliptical machine I sold because my kids played on it more than I used it. When you truly, though, dig down, I think wellness can mean different things depending on the events happening...
by Vicki Chabot | Apr 15, 2019 | netlogxTeam
What brings you joy? I enjoy singing, on a daily basis. It’s my “me time” and mind filler when I’m doing tasks around the house or driving. Also, going to the movie theater by myself has been a guilty pleasure recently. What are you most afraid of? I am most afraid...
by Alec Mitchell | Dec 5, 2018 | netlogxTeam, Organizational Change Management
What’s a recent problem you encountered and solved with your team for a client or organization? The Michigan team began working with Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) at the State of Michigan (SoM) to map their As-Is and To-Be processes. The...
by Vicki Chabot | Nov 19, 2018 | netlogxTeam
What brings you joy? Playing music brings me joy, as well as riding my horse, Cowboy’s Artwork, or Cowley. What are you most afraid of? Black widow spiders are what I am most afraid of. Other spiders don’t bother me, just black widows. What would you like to learn? I...
by Laura Shanahan | Oct 24, 2018 | netlogxTeam
Have you ever wanted to leave your employment because you were not given the tools and training to “move up” or achieve the next level? If you have, maybe now is the time to make a change to reach your potential, check us out at netlogx. If not, then I wish you...
by Vicki Chabot | Jul 24, 2018 | netlogx in the News, netlogxTeam
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Brittani Martel, Porch Light PR 317.629.1669, [email protected] netlogx’s Stephanie Sponsel Selected as 2018 Tech25 Award Winner The annual award presented by TechPoint Indiana spotlights rising stars for their...