In Loving Memory of a Life Well Lived: Nick Taylor

In Loving Memory of a Life Well Lived: Nick Taylor

INDIANAPOLIS (Jan. 23, 2024) – It is with great sadness we announce the death of Nick Taylor, co-founder of netlogx from recently diagnosed stage IV pancreatic cancer. Nick founded netlogx in 1998 with his wife, Audrey and utilized his 30 plus years of broad...
Hybrid work: What’s changed – and what hasn’t

Hybrid work: What’s changed – and what hasn’t

This blog was posted on The Enterprisers Project’s website here. Today’s work environment bears little resemblance to pre-pandemic times. With remote and hybrid work fast becoming mainstream, here’s how things have changed, and what’s stayed...
Small Pieces Make the Big Picture

Small Pieces Make the Big Picture

This blog was posted on Inside INdiana Business’s website here. From the urban center of Indianapolis to the new mown hay in Henry County, Indiana is diverse in both geography and demographics. Developing a network of services and support that meets the needs of...