Bonus Positivity

Bonus Positivity

Inspired by the generosity of Audrey & Nick Taylor and the positivity bonus offered to netlogx employees in 2021, I decided to use that bonus money to treat my friends, Robin and Mary Catherine, my spouse Amy and niece Julia to a four-day trip over Memorial Day...
Staying Positive in a Sometimes Negative World

Staying Positive in a Sometimes Negative World

As part of netlogx’ wellness initiatives this year, employees were asked to write a blog on “positivity”. The assignment was designed to be a constructive exercise, not only for the author, but for their fellow team members to read. While this blog should be an easy...
Positivity and Puppy Love

Positivity and Puppy Love

At the end of April 2021, my boyfriend and I picked up our new best friend; a 15 pound, 12-week-old rescue puppy born in Mississippi. We were immediately in love with our sweet southern belle, Bonnie.  While I have been a life-long dog lover, Bonnie is the first dog...
Positive Distraction from My Daily Routine

Positive Distraction from My Daily Routine

What makes you happy and helps you to be a positive person? As I reflect on this question, I think about my life in general and the many events and activities I have had the opportunity to experience. I consider myself an upbeat and positive person. I used to think I...
Doing Something Out Of My Comfort Zone

Doing Something Out Of My Comfort Zone

Life is like a rollercoaster, well the emotions we feel are like riding a rollercoaster. Each year netlogx challenges us with a wellness challenge, this year the challenge is “Positivity”, we are challenged to do something positive for ourselves or for others or our...
a glass half full

a glass half full

When netlogx presented the opportunity to participate in a positivity activity last December, I thought that’s a good idea, we could all use a little positivity. Then when I got to thinking about what I could do it was a little harder. I have always considered myself...