by Dawn Gelle | Dec 16, 2021 | Positivity
Inspired by the generosity of Audrey & Nick Taylor and the positivity bonus offered to netlogx employees in 2021, I decided to use that bonus money to treat my friends, Robin and Mary Catherine, my spouse Amy and niece Julia to a four-day trip over Memorial Day...
by netlogx | Dec 2, 2021 | Positivity
As part of netlogx’ wellness initiatives this year, employees were asked to write a blog on “positivity”. The assignment was designed to be a constructive exercise, not only for the author, but for their fellow team members to read. While this blog should be an easy...
by Madelyn Semssar | Oct 28, 2021 | Positivity
At the end of April 2021, my boyfriend and I picked up our new best friend; a 15 pound, 12-week-old rescue puppy born in Mississippi. We were immediately in love with our sweet southern belle, Bonnie. While I have been a life-long dog lover, Bonnie is the first dog...
by Elizabeth Szentes | Oct 26, 2021 | Positivity
What makes you happy and helps you to be a positive person? As I reflect on this question, I think about my life in general and the many events and activities I have had the opportunity to experience. I consider myself an upbeat and positive person. I used to think I...
by Carolyn McClain | Jan 27, 2021 | Positivity
Life is like a rollercoaster, well the emotions we feel are like riding a rollercoaster. Each year netlogx challenges us with a wellness challenge, this year the challenge is “Positivity”, we are challenged to do something positive for ourselves or for others or our...
by netlogx | Jan 13, 2021 | Positivity
When netlogx presented the opportunity to participate in a positivity activity last December, I thought that’s a good idea, we could all use a little positivity. Then when I got to thinking about what I could do it was a little harder. I have always considered myself...