How to build a security management plan

How to build a security management plan

It’s no secret that cyberattacks have been on the rise, and businesses are taking more and more precautions to prevent data loss. While you can implement all of the common wisdom to protect yourself from cyberattacks (two-factor authentication, security training,...
How to Build a Security-focused Culture

How to Build a Security-focused Culture

Information security is critical for any organization, but building an environment in which employees are aware of potential vulnerabilities and proactively work to prevent breaches can be challenging. Incorporating a strong security focus into your corporate culture...
Cookie Conversations: The Good and Bad

Cookie Conversations: The Good and Bad

Does this message look familiar? Many of us come across messages like this regularly. Most people hit the “accept” button without consciously thinking about it.  But what exactly is a cookie? A cookie is created when you first visit a website. When you return to the...