by netlogx | Aug 18, 2020 | Security Management, Uncategorized
With many of us still working from home, it’s incredibly important to ensure that your home network is secure. Confidential information can be easily accessed if your hardware and software aren’t up-to-date and configured correctly. We’ve proposed some home...
by netlogx | Jun 11, 2020 | Security Management
Without solid security, an organization leaves itself exposed to any number of risks to itself, its team members, and its clients. That means that not only would the leadership in the organization be held accountable if security is compromised, but the reputation of...
by netlogx | Jun 8, 2020 | Security Management, Uncategorized
Data privacy is nothing new. Keeping your personal information safe from getting it into the wrong hands has always been important. That’s why people lock file cabinets or rent safety deposit boxes at their banks. In today’s digital age, that personal information is...
by netlogx | May 21, 2020 | Security Management, Security Notices
Live video conferencing meetings using the Zoom platform are a reality for many organizations. They’re convenient for geographically dispersed team members and clients and you still get the advantage of seeing people’s facial expressions and body language. But if you...
by Vicki Chabot | May 30, 2018 | Security Management
Do the recent stories about cybersecurity attacks and holding organizations’ data hostage make you pause and wonder how secure the data at your organization is? Hello. We’re netlogx and we are here to keep you safe in a dangerous world – let us guide you...