by Harry Taylor | Jul 9, 2024 | netlogxTeam, Wellness
Twice a week, I go to a local game store nearby to play trading card games, and through this hobby, I’ve been able to take better care of myself mentally and emotionally. I picked this hobby up at the beginning of university on the recommendation of one of my...
by Nick McNeer | Jun 12, 2024 | Wellness
Wellness, especially in our digitally enabled world, can take many forms. When I find myself contemplating my own wellness and health, I often find myself trapped by the thought that I need to do more. I need to exercise more, eat more healthily, sleep more, get out...
by netlogx | May 9, 2024 | Wellness
Until recently, my experience with sitting in a sauna was based on the past. My childhood friend had an outdoor one built by his father. Oftentimes, my friends and teammates ended up in the YMCA sauna after basketball, racquetball, or swimming. Regardless, the...
by Jeremy Howard | Apr 10, 2024 | Wellness
I am not good at prioritizing time, activities, or spending time on things that are just for me (with a few notable exceptions). It is a learned behavior from my Father, who was always happy to spend on other family members but not himself (and no, I am not in the...
by Eric Murrell | Feb 14, 2024 | Wellness
In this fast-paced world that we live in, I believe it is as important as ever to be able to self-motivate yourself and to also have the self-discipline to continue that motivation. Motivation is important because it is your “kickoff” to whatever goal or...
by netlogx | Jan 10, 2024 | Wellness
Wellness can take on different interpretations to different people; it presents as physical, mental, or emotional, and the ways in which you manage wellness in any of these ways are interpreted very differently based on the individual also. In the past year, I had a...