Intern Wellness

Intern Wellness

If you’re reading this you are probably already somewhat aware of netlogx’ dedication to cultivating an environment that is healthy for its team members. Our three interns have been tasked with writing three tips revolving around a routine you can try to implement...
Need to Lose Weight? Stressed? Take a Walk.

Need to Lose Weight? Stressed? Take a Walk.

In 2022, 26 percent of U.S. employees now work remotely with that number increasing.  As such, you are sitting down a lot more, moving about less when you work from home, and your lifestyle is much more sedentary. So how do you stay fit and healthy while sitting at a...
Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance

Are you constantly looking at your “to-do” list, preparing for your next meeting, making sure every “I” is dotted and every “t” is crossed? So many work professionals today seem to be doing exactly that. But the truth is, there is more to life than working 50-60 hours...
Acrobatic Yoga

Acrobatic Yoga

When wellness comes to mind, there are so many different areas of focus. Mental wellness, physical wellness, spiritual wellness, societal wellness; the list goes on and on. When debating what to blog about, I was reminded of something new that I tried recently that...