Sticking to your Fitness Goals

Sticking to your Fitness Goals

At the end of each decade, we look back over the past ten years and the trends, fashions, and culture that will be memorialized with the decade. Undoubtedly, the 2010s will be associated with the rise of smart devices, the increasing influence of social media on our...
Wellbeing – What are you Waiting For?

Wellbeing – What are you Waiting For?

Looking back over 2019, personally it has been a roller-coaster. One of my main take-aways will be to try and make the most of everyday. We sometimes have a tendency to “save things for best” whether that be clothing, expensive crockery that is only dusted off once or...
A Day at the Zoo

A Day at the Zoo

As part of my bucket list, my husband and I take our grandchildren on a trip each year. This year we went to the Cincinnati Zoo. We had heard a lot about this zoo and thought it would be great for the grandchildren. At only a day’s trip away, I knew this would be a...
Have Fun and Go Run

Have Fun and Go Run

If you’re like me, you’ve probably neglected your New Year’s resolution fitness goals of 2019, but are looking for ways to dive right in. With recent enhancements to the netlogx Wellness Reimbursement program, our options have greatly expanded for reimbursable...