Change is a Process – Not an Event

by | Feb 14, 2020

When I think about change, I recall one of Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quotes, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”


If I am the change, then how I engage with my family, business associates, as well as a stranger on the street is the process by which the world sees me. Change is not an event. Of course, the type of change I want the world to see has evolved over time. My age, phase in life, and environment all mold the type of change I am, and my perception of how to change for the “better.”

As netlogx consultants, we continue to be the successful change that organizations want to see as we assist them in planning and managing change events, and making those events work positively for them. We help guide businesses from uncertainty to clarity, quickly and safely.

After reading Chris Laping’s book, People Before Things, I realized that netlogx consultants apply many of the ideas from the book in their project and change management work with clients, such as:

  • Laying groundwork so team members feel prepared, nurtured, and supported during changes they will have to eventually adopt.
  • Setting up teams for success by connecting people to purpose and ensuring leadership is actively engaged.
  • Selecting or engineering the right solutions.
  • Providing efficient project management, quality assurance, and consistent support in operations.

By digging deep within our minds, hearts and even our souls, I believe we can all be the change our world needs to see personally and professionally. Change is not a specific event or epiphany. I believe each of us have an innate desire to continually strive toward personal and professional change.

Through my professional career at netlogx, I have supported organizations with change, via business process re-engineering and mapping, and project management expertise. By interacting with people, online or in-person, I believe we all can demonstrate the change we want to be and make an enormous impact, reaching more than just those  in our community.

By posting just one positive blog, Tweet, or video demonstrating a positive change, you leave the world a better place, even if only for a minute. You are the change that designs, posts, Snaps, Instagrams, and Tweets. Go be the positive change personally and professionally that, in my opinion, the world needs to see.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help guide you through change.

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