a glass half full

by | Jan 13, 2021

When netlogx presented the opportunity to participate in a positivity activity last December, I thought that’s a good idea, we could all use a little positivity. Then when I got to thinking about what I could do it was a little harder. I have always considered myself fairly positive; you know, more of a ‘half full glass’ type of person, and I couldn’t think of anything that would be that WOW! factor for positivity.

As I am looking back over the past year though I can see several instances of positivity that have slipped past me because they are part of ‘everyday life’.  First, due to the pandemic we were not allowed to gather together so my neighbor and I decided to get together every Thursday and do our own Bible Study (The Quest by Beth Moore); second, once our church started meeting again there were several serving opportunities available because some members did not return to community worship immediately so I joined the Sunday Greeter team – what can be more positive than making sure each person entering sees a friendly, smiling face; third, in June the Church reinstated Vacation Bible School for children up to fifth grade, once again I signed up and worked with a great group of ladies and lastly, the Church held their annual Fall Festival once again and I signed up to help with registration and games.

mini golf
woman in a pink dress

These aren’t the impressive tasks that I felt would be what netlogx was expecting but as I looked back over each event, they were all opportunities to provide positive opportunities for others as well as how encouraged and positive they all made me feel.  So maybe it’s not about the ‘big’ positive moments but taking advantage of all the little opportunities along the way.

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