Goals for Physical Wellness

by | May 18, 2017

April was National Physical Wellness Month, and here at netlogx, many of us challenged ourselves to be healthier! Although April has come to a close, I know I will be trying to carry my goals through the rest of the year. I’ve been so inspired by reading the goals submitted by netlogx team members, that I am going to add to my wellness goals going forward. I hope that others will find the same inspiration!

Laura Wellness


Laura Shanahan: My goal for wellness is to walk 8-10 thousand steps per day and work out at the gym two days per week. I will also reduce sweet treats to only yogurt, and chocolate covered almonds for the month!

EAS Wellness


Elizabeth Szentes: My first goal is to drink more water. I try to drink 3 glasses each day.  It is more fun to drink out of my bright and cheery cup! My second goal is to continue taking the stairs. Each morning I take the stairs up to the fourth-floor versus using the elevator.

 Rick Wellness

Rick Koen: I’ve been nursing some plantar fasciitis in my foot and am finally at the point where I can start doing some exercise again.  So, I want to walk at least 30 minutes 3 days a week to get back on track with my exercise program.  Some of my sessions may have to be on a bicycle rather than walking. To that end, I’ve just signed up for an annual pass with the Indy bicycle share program and took my first ride from Eskenazi to netlogx!

Diane wellness



Diane Walton: My challenge is to drink more water and less diet soda plus cut back on calorie intake (no chocolate bunnies and Cadbury creme eggs this year).




Bob wellness

Bob Sharpe: My April wellness goal is to cycle 500 miles.

Bridget Wellness


Bridget Stenger: One of my April wellness goals is to cut out snacking after 9pm- the time when snacks are the most tempting! In addition to general exercise, I have recently started to get into yoga. My goal is to hold crow pose for 30 seconds.



Mark wellness

Mark Lambert: My goal for April is to go to the gym five days a week.

 Tyler wellnessTyler Fosnaugh: I will be hiking 40 miles this month to make myself healthier. I’m pretty into hiking. Over the past 2 years I’ve probably hiked close to 500 miles and I’ve hiked to the summit of probably between 5-10 different mountains. This picture is from a recent hike in Costa Rica!

Sara wellness

Sara Jones: I am running/walking in preparation for the Mini Marathon here in Indy.

Joel wellness



Joel Gutski: My goal has been to get outside and hike or ride my bicycle for 1 hour, everyday, regardless of the weather.




Cheri McConomy: My goal is to do my rowing machine for 20 minutes every day.

Cheri wellness

 Tara wellness

 Tara Morse:

I am working on a goal of 2,017 miles in 2017 with my friend, who lives in Chicago, through Run the Year.  We track our miles and receive updates on our progress throughout the year.  It averages to 19 miles per week goal that we must each meet, and we can achieve the weekly goal through running, walking or an elliptical machine. It has been a lot of fun so far and we are happy that we have completed 887 miles as of 5/1/2017, which is ahead of our average monthly goal for the year.

Staying hydrated while running is really important – don’t be afraid to stop and “borrow” some water from a family member’s garden hose along the way!  Below is a picture of me on an 11 mile run when my running partner really needed some hydration and we happened to be close to my brother’s house so we stopped and “borrowed” some water from his garden hose.  Running and family close by – 2 good things in life – keep “running the year” to your personal fitness goals.

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