Have Fun and Go Run

by | Aug 16, 2019

If you’re like me, you’ve probably neglected your New Year’s resolution fitness goals of 2019, but are looking for ways to dive right in. With recent enhancements to the netlogx Wellness Reimbursement program, our options have greatly expanded for reimbursable wellness-related purchases. Unfortunately, I didn’t see golfing accessories on the list of acceptable items, so, running shoes may be the best alternative.

Moderate daily exercise has been shown to improve your mood, sleep quality, and concentration throughout the day. Some studies have shown that running just as little as 30 minutes can cause chemical reactions that create brain reward pathways.

Some benefits of running include:

  • Increased happiness
  • More calories burned
  • Stronger bones, muscles, and joints
  • Mental clarity
  • Reduced risk of disease
  • Longer life-span

You can’t out-exercise a bad diet but running is a great way to supplement a healthy diet to enhance overall wellness. One step in the right direction is buying yourself comfortable, reliable, and affordable athletic shoes. Before falling into a full-blown running addiction, there are several things to consider when deciding on your gear:

  • Foot shape and size
  • Running surface
  • Workout frequency, intensity, and duration
  • Running technique

There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution when it comes to a running shoe. I recommend researching local running shoe stores in your area. It’s typical for staff to assist in accurate measurements for the right fit. Most people are aware of different shoe sizes, but you will also want to consider the width of your feet, arch support needed, and even your running technique.

Some people run with more impact on the front or back of the foot, and it’s important to ensure your shoe supports your strike. Often, the sales associate will have you jog on a treadmill so they can assess where you apply pressure on your foot with each stride.

Finally, you will want to keep track of the miles put on your shoes. Depending on how hard you hit the pavement, running shoes need to be replaced as the tread wears out. A good pair of running shoes can last anywhere from several months to a year, depending on your mileage. If the tread is becoming bald (like an old tire), it’s time to replace the shoe. A harder impact and less support could increase your chances for injury.

With this knowledge, you will be well on your way to meeting your fitness goals, regardless if it’s the New Year or mid-year! Be careful when going into this hobby, you might just find yourself crossing the finish line of a half marathon that you never expected to be in!

Source 1:  https://www.runnersworld.com/beginner/a20847956/6-ways-running-improves-your-health-0/
Source 2:  https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-10/uom-ear100615.php

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