Gather: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” – Helen Keller
As a child, I spent a lot of time playing and gathering outdoors with friends and family. In my neighborhood we created our own “park” on an empty lot, where all our playground games were held; football, baseball and kick-the-can, to name a few. The bicycle was the primary mode of transportation with my friends, riding on state roads, overpasses and country roads to get to McDonalds & Dairy Queen for a treat many times! Now, as an adult and homeowner, my patio became the place for gatherings as I watched the kids swim, (inflatable kiddie pool, of course!), play cornhole, badminton, baseball and even an occasional NERF gun hide and seek. Gathering with people always seemed to result in fun, mischief and healthy dialogue.
Grow: “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better” – Albert Einstein.
One of my first jobs was to pick blueberries on a farm in the early morning. Many times, we had to ride several miles on our bikes to and from the farm! We picked (and ate) blueberries until our hands were blue and our pockets full of wages. The blueberry was replaced by corn as I worked as a corn “detasseler”, crew leader and eventually a crew supervisor. I certainly gained an appreciation of teamwork, servant leadership and fun! Little did I know it at the time, but I applied many facets of project and schedule management in this summer job. It helped pay for college and steered me into a project management career path.
Gab: “Words do two major things: They provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness.” – John Rohn.
Who doesn’t like to talk! Sharing our experiences and stories with others is part of human nature. We learn more about the world around us and others’ perspectives when we gab ‘n listen! What better place to do this than on the back porch or patio surrounded by nature. My patio is basic and continues to be a work-in-progress, so improvements are coming! My patio is made for Sippin’, Grillin’ and Chillin’ – A place of inspiration to Gather, Gab and Grow with family and friends!

Laura is a Consultant with over 20 years of client relations and staffing experience.