Interview with Carolyn McClain, netlogx Senior Consultant

by | Sep 16, 2022

What brings you joy?

I love the times when my children and grandchildren come over for dinner. I also really enjoy weekend get-aways with my husband.

What would you like to learn?

 I would like to learn not to be too hard on myself. I want to learn to love myself unconditionally, including my flaws.

Who or what inspires you?

My grandparents. They took the time to raise me after they had already raised thirteen (13) kids of their own. They inspire me because of their compassion and love they have for God. They taught me to also love God and walk in compassion.

What is your proudest work moment at netlogx? 

Working on the certification team for the Medicaid Management Information (MMI) project. The success of that system being certified and working with a bunch of good people to help make that come to pass.

If you could talk to your teenage self, what would you say?

Everything is going to be alright; it is okay to have fun and love yourself. You are uniquely and wonderfully made and there is nothing wrong with you. Love all of you.

What is your favorite book or movie, and why?

I love inspirational movies where people overcome their circumstances and become the best person they can be. It inspires me that no matter what I am going through, I can make it.

What would you write on the netlogx Before I Die wall?

I would like to publish a book.

What does Process Management mean to you?

Process management means monitoring the processes that are currently put in place and fixing the ones that need to be worked on. 

What does wellness at netlogx mean to you?

They care about our wellness and mental stability. It is a benefit of working for a company that cares about your health. I do better when I am challenged so the netlogx step challenge is good for me because I know I need to walk more. 

How would you describe netlogx’ culture?

Compassionate and thoughtful. They recognize you for your birthdays, your work anniversaries, and when you lose someone. Sometimes they send notes just to say thank you, and to me, that creates a thoughtful and compassionate environment. It is a family-oriented workplace.

What is a fun fact about you? Or the most exciting thing you’ve ever done or place you’ve ever been? 

In 2017, I had my first plane ride and my first cruise. We went to Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.

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