What brings you joy?
Spending time with people I care about. Making sure that I am putting self-care back into myself really rejuvenates me.
What would you like to learn?
Professionally, I would like to learn more about project management and continue to develop my professionalism. Outside of professional, I would really love to learn how to use chopsticks.
Who or what inspires you?
My mom inspires me the most on a personal and professional level. She has such tenacity, and no matter what is thrown at her, she just continues. I am always in awe of her.
What is your proudest work moment at netlogx?
I have been working on public speaking, and I am on the New Mexico project with a lot of people and a lot of players. Recently, I had the opportunity to do a quick overview providing onboarding resources and some tips and tricks to navigate the project more easily.
If you could talk to your teenage self, what would you say?
I would have told myself that everything is temporary. I remember when I was stressing about college, where I was going to go, and how I was going to pay for it. I got through everything, I finished college, and I do not have any debt. All those little pressures, everything is temporary.
What is your favorite book or movie, and why?
My favorite movie is Lion King. There are so many life lessons, and it makes me so emotional even though I have seen it over a thousand times.
What would you write on the netlogx Before I Die wall?
Before I die, I want to be able to be in a position to give charities a lot of money like celebrities do. I also really want to go skydiving.
What does security management mean to you?
I minored in cyber security, so any time anyone focuses on that, it makes me happy because it is the first line of defense with everything being so technological nowadays. If you are able to manage security well, then it will create better processes and flows for everyone in their everyday lives. Just making sure that everything has a place, a system, and a process.
What does wellness at netlogx mean to you?
It just motivates me and makes me feel in a better mood because I am working towards a goal. It pushes me to work harder, especially in terms of diet in the wintertime. The wellness program is so helpful and motivating in the winter.
How would you describe netlogx’ culture?
I think the culture is very well done. It is inclusive and diverse. It is especially fun, not many companies can say they are having fun. It is also very informative because we are always learning new things during the team-building meetings. One meeting, we did meditation, and that was relaxing because I needed it more than I thought I did. They also just genuinely care about their employees. A lot of time and effort has gone into the culture, and it makes it a really great place to work.
What is a fun fact about you? Or the most exciting thing you’ve ever done or place you’ve ever been?
The most exciting place I have ever been in is Puerto Rico. I say this because I went as a tourist, but somehow my mom and I ended up on their news station that morning. It was really exciting and fun. We have a trip planned for Hawaii this year, so maybe my answer will change.
netlogx is a leading consulting services company that helps government entities, businesses, and nonprofits operate more efficiently with our project management, business process consulting, and strategic consulting services. As a well-established woman-owned business with consultants across the country, netlogx leverages industry standard methodologies and best practices to support our clients and bring projects and visions to successful completion.