Interview with Matt McNeer, netlogx Consultant

by | Jul 20, 2023

What brings you joy?

I would say I love to bake! I am fairly tactile – I loved playdough when I was a kid. I like making pizza, bread, and pasta. I find baking very Zen-like!

What would you like to learn?

I would like to learn how to continue to enhance my communication, although that’s getting better as I get older, my thoughts don’t always convey as I want them to. It’s always on my radar – you have to be able to communicate effectively to get by in life. 

Who or what inspires you?

I would say when I was an intern at the Arnold Arboretum in Boston. I was with 12 other interns from all over the country. I was with a girl called April who had been in the armed services previously, she was very forward and would always speak up and ask if she didn’t understand. The rest of us tried not to rock the boat as it was a very prestigious institute, but she would always stand up and ask, we often had the same questions and were grateful she asked. She inspired me.

What is your proudest moment at netlogx?

I think I would have to say that I worked on a timeline for the client and spent quite some time on it after I hadn’t long started at netlogx. The State client liked it, and then it was even presented to their Federal counterparts!

If you could talk to your teenage self, what would you say?

I would say don’t worry too much, I spent way too much time worrying about the hypothetical – most of the stuff didn’t really matter. Things will work out!

What is your favorite book or movie and why?

My favorite book is a compilation “Twain on Travel” – all of the stories of Mark Twain traveling with his brother, it’s laugh-out-loud funny at parts! Once you get into the flow it is hilarious. My favorite movie is Grand Budapest Hotel as I am quite arty myself, he definitely has his own style. 

What would you write on the netlogx Before I Die wall?

I would probably write to travel – I’d love to travel more! There’s growth that comes from travel and a certain level of maturity. I’d love to go to Brazil – to see the tropical plants and their massive cave systems!

What does Project Management mean to you?

Project Management means juggling several moving parts and not letting anything get dropped. Taking a lot of complex, moving pieces and keeping your eye on them all to make sure nothing is missed. 

What does wellness at netlogx mean to you?

Wellness at netlogx to me means focusing on mental and physical well-being which I hadn’t seen in previous companies and having a good work-life balance – getting the work done and balancing that with taking time off. Taking care of one another and looking out for one another, which is different from what I was used to. 

How would you describe netlogx’ culture?

netlogx’ culture to me is a good mix of very high standards – overdelivering, working hard, going the extra mile, and triple-checking deliverables. Overall, a good mix of professionalism, conciseness, and high quality coupled with some fun conversation with your team. 

What is a fun fact about you? Or the most exciting thing you’ve ever done or place you’ve ever been? 

One of the cooler caves I’ve been to is a cave in a quarry in Bedford, Indiana, you have to swim into it, and then you have to float on your back, and your nose is almost scraping the ceiling! It was one of the most beautiful caves I’ve ever seen. I also lived in Boston Massachusetts. 

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