What brings you joy?
Family. Family is wonderful, but does not always look the same. Being a transplanted Brit, it is even more important. Friends become family because of the geographical disconnect. Moving country and cultures opens your eyes and mind to many new aspects of life, and being open, flexible and accepting of and sharing yourself with friends creates a new “family”.
What are you most afraid of?
Hatred and intolerance! I don’t understand it at all. I cannot countenance it!
What would you like to learn?
Before my last breath leaves my body, I want to hear that Liverpool is the best team bar none and that it will take Manchester United 150 years to catch up.
In addition, a close second will be that mankind is going to be OK and it is not as gloomy as it appears!
Who or what inspires you?
I had a teacher, Mike Ashton, who was an inspiration to me. I changed schools and went being from top of the class to bottom of the class. When I got there I was playing full back on the soccer team and was fast. Mike Ashton used to do a running commentary about Nick T “taking ‘em all out” because no one could keep up with me speed wise. It was a huge confidence boost while I found my feet in the new school.
In addition to that, I am inspired by the next thing in front of me. I was giving out sandwiches to the homeless people through the Rotary, Wednesday night. Those people are an inspiration. One lady penniless, slightly crippled owing to a birth defect, abandoned by the health care system, talked me through her bucket list! On that list are the Pyramids. She has nothing but her dreams.
Seeing those abandoned people inspires me to do more to help.
If you could talk to your teenage self what would you say?
Slow down. Don’t be in such a hurry. While it is laudable to work hard and long to achieve your goals, take some time for you as a person. Do the things you want to do and don’t worry whether friends or family think those activities are time wasters. Do them for you.
What is your favorite book/Movie and why?
My favorite book is The Rover, by Joseph Conrad. It was given to me by a seasoned well-traveled Lieutenant Commander in the Navy. The story is about another seafarer who “sticks it to authority”. The book resonated well with me and my interest in all things Navy and anti-establishment!
My favorite movie is The Quiet Man, with John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara. Full of stereotypes and amazing photography. There is a particular scene where John Wayne is dragging Maureen O’Hara back home. Out of the crowd pops a little lady who announces “now here is a stick, to beat the nice lady”.
Anyone with a significant other, who is a red head, knows that a metaphorical stick is occasionally required!
What would you, or have you written on the netlogx before I die board?
I was the person that discovered that board and so my whole goal is that I want people to focus on the time before they die and live it.
I am interested in Buddhism and their intense focus on what it means to be dead. They believe that the spirit remains, which is back to inspiration again. I lost my nana when I was only 4 or 5 years old and it had a profound effect on me. It became clear as I realized I would never see her again, that my mum would also die and then astonishingly, that I too would die. I placated myself with my faith in humanity that they would find a cure for death before it got me and so decided to fill my life doing until the time a cure for death was found. A very busy few years!
I have a favorite line from a W.B. Yates poem “ …..and at my back I always hear time’s winged chariots drawing near”.
Why do you need to use a consultant?
If your goal is to achieve an outcome that has been eluding you for some time, then own and want the outcome and seek the resources you need from a good consultant, who you trust with the skills required to achieve your desired outcome.
A good consultant knows listening precedes talking. They listen to learn about your desired outcomes, they can talk later when they know and can start to plan and deliver.
Thanks to Nick Taylor, for his candor in sharing a little about himself with us.

Vicki Chabot is the Chief Human Resources Office for netlogx. With a passion for people and streamlined process, over the past decade, Vicki’s strategic HR leadership has fostered an award-winning culture, including a ten-time designation as a Best Places to Work in Indiana company, as well as numerous awards for the netlogx’ Intern Development Program she created.
Having enjoyed a diverse career path, Vicki began her journey working at a Fortune 50 company as a technical helpdesk analyst, where she progressed to a number of team leader positions, including managing a multilingual, international helpdesk. Vicki went on to manage an international team working for a multinational gas and oil company, as well as teaching high school Spanish and French. Vicki graduated from the University of Liverpool with honors and obtained a postgraduate Certificate in Education from Edge Hill University.