Interview with Rafeala O’Reilly, netlogx Senior Consultant

by | Apr 15, 2022

Rafaela O'Reilly headshotWhat brings you joy?

My favorite thing is swimming. I grew up on the swim team and last year we moved to Florida to be close to huge bodies of water. Another joy is watching everyone around me be healthy. I also love singing! I am in two (2) bands, a Joan Jett cover band called CherryBomb and a national concert band called Password Reset. 

What would you like to learn?

How to be my best and how to contribute the most. Whether that’s to my band in singing or to my job. I want to learn how to always be a better contributor because we all contribute, but I want to learn how to do more.

Who or what inspires you?

My parents have always inspired me. They are the hardest workers I know, and they taught me that discipline is freedom. If you are organized, if you contribute well, and if you are a part of something bigger than you then you can succeed. I have been in IT for over twenty (20) years and colleagues always talked about persistence and there were those posters of people climbing up a hill everywhere. My parents always said that a word missing from those posters was, tolerance, what can you put up with before you break and how can you get past the little things and rise above. 

What is your proudest work moment at netlogx? 

My proudest moment was realizing that even though I have been in the industry for over twenty (20) years, I still have a lot to learn. I had been looking for a company like netlogx for a long time. The process and discipline I talk about, is here. My biggest contribution is realizing that I have more to learn and that I can learn. 

If you could talk to your teenage self, what would you say?

To buy in earlier to the whole concept that discipline is freedom. On the swim team, I went to practice, but I never stayed later. It took me until I was older to realize that I had the same practice as everyone else, so what was going to make me stand out? Go the extra mile. Also, I wish I could have told myself that you may not be great at playing guitar right now but imagine how good you could be with more discipline.

What is your favorite book or movie and why?

McFarland; USA is my favorite movie. When I was young, I picked tomatoes in the field every now and then. My mother made sure that we went to school all year, but sometimes after school and in summer we would have to go pick tomatoes and this movie, I feel, depicts what my life was like growing up. That movie represents how we were raised at home, the discipline was strict. My friends would ask “after school you can’t just go outside and play?” and I would say “no! We have to sweep the floors, do the dishes, clean, and then we can play outside.”

My favorite book is Heaven is For Real because the people that wrote the book gave all the money to charity.

What would you write on the netlogx Before I Die wall?

To have the people I work with, specifically my colleagues, tell me how great it was to work with me. If I die, I want people to say I had a positive attitude and that I was always happy. I feel that humor and smiling can always help get people get out of the darkness. I hope that every soul I touch is as happy as I am to meet them.

What does Change Management mean to you?

It means progress, a future mode of operation, new ways of doing things, and challenging an entire organization. It means a lighthouse- not a data warehouse, a lighthouse.

What does wellness at netlogx mean to you?

It means everything. Especially after COVID, I find myself sitting in front of a computer for eight (8) to ten (10) hours a day and netlogx gave me a Fitbit that reminds me to get up. I think I read somewhere that every time we stand up out of a chair 30% more oxygen and blood rushes to our brains. Wellness means everything to me because the sustenance of life is treating ourselves well.

How would you describe netlogx’ culture?

An awesome place that doesn’t stop if you have a new idea. They embrace it, try it, and keep going. You are allowed to be honest and make mistakes and learn. The leadership is available, they do not just say they have an open-door policy, they come through the door to you to let you know that they do want to hear from you.

What is a fun fact about you? Or the most exciting thing you’ve ever done or place you’ve ever been? 

My biggest moment was when I stood in front of 16,530 people in 1996 on stage with AC/DC in Marketplace Arena, right next to Angus Young, and introduced AC/DC to kick off the concert for the radio station. I was a DJ for Q-95 and was the host for the Sunday night solid rock show. I also got to hang out with AC/DC before and after in the Pacer’s locker room. 

I should say, my actual greatest accomplishment was getting my Master of Science degree in Radio TV Film and Mass Communications from IU.

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