Interview with Andrew Powers, netlogx Consultant

by | Jan 17, 2020

What brings you joy?

Going to visit my family and friends in Florida and Brazil brings me joy. Making others smile brings me joy. Also, hitting a nice drive or putt in golf brings me a lot of joy.

What are you most afraid of?

I am not afraid of tangible things, but I am afraid of all the unknown things in outer space and the deep depths of our oceans.

What would you like to learn?

I would like to learn more about the Native American history and culture before the European settlers arrived in America.

Who or what inspires you?

All the role models and positive influences I’ve had at different phases in my life, from grandparents and parents to professional mentors at netlogx.

 As of right now, the number of committed and driven individuals throughout the counties in Indiana working together to find home grown solutions to tackling issues in the OB Navigator Project has inspired me tremendously. Listening to the success stories of individuals going through the programs has also been a big inspiration.

 If you could talk to your teenage self, what would you say?

Relax, slow down. You don’t figure everything out in a day and that it takes time and experience. Also, don’t worry about the little things because they work themselves out.

What is your favorite book or movie and why?

The most recent book I’ve read is All Quiet on the Western Front. This book takes place during WWI and is from the perspective of a 19-year-old German soldier who was drafted. The book really does a great job telling the German side and opened my eyes to the similarities of both German and American soldiers and experiences of being drafted; the sense of fighting for one’s country. I’ve empathized with the enemy and realized that, on an individual level, people are generally the same. Another aspect that I really like about the book is the display of disconnect between the foot soldiers and the civilians they protect. Once the main character gets injured and returns home, he realizes no one really understands what happens at war.

What have you, or would you, write on the netlogx Before I Die wall?

 If I were to write something on the netlogx Before I Die wall, I would write that I would like to visit and explore the ancient Egyptian pyramids and monuments.    

 What does OCM mean to you?

OCM, to me, means, number one: accepting the fact that whatever is going on will force change, including on the organization and the people who are directly involved. OCM also is about creating the context for those directly affected individuals of the change. Ensuring there is a shared understanding and buy-in of what the change will be is a necessity. Continuing to figure out positive ways to exists and operation in the new environment or parameters is also a big part of OCM as well.

What does wellness at netlogx mean to you?

To me wellness at netlogx means having the ability to practice a reasonable work-life balance. Having the opportunity to destress from work by focusing on things that help me be a healthier individual on a personal level bleed into my professional life.

What is a fun fact about you?

I had the opportunity to play golf with Mike Golic at Pinehurst in North Carolina and got to meet the rest of his crew from the radio show.

What is the most exciting thing you’ve ever done or place you’ve ever been?

I do not have one favorite, but doing a cross country drive, with a friend, from Indiana to California is one of them. We ended up stopping at a state park in Northern Texas and slept in tents during a huge storm.

Another one would be visiting Brazil and traveling there by myself with no prior knowledge of their language before meeting up with my dad and stepmom. I had to navigate the various airports and situations for a whole day.

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