Interview with Jim Dunn, Consultant

by | Jan 19, 2017

What brings you joy? “I love music; lots and lots of it. “I like 1920s pop and jazz. I’ve a particular fondness for Cliff Edwards – aka ‘Ukulele Ike’.  He did jazzy versions of popular pop pieces and became a very popular early radio star.  He was also the voice for Jiminy Cricket.  ‘My Red Hot Gal’ is a fun song and good introduction to Ukulele Ike’s repertoire.

“As a product of IPS during the 1970’s, I’ve an addiction for all things Funk, with an obvious emphasis on George Clinton and his Parliament/Funkadelic empire.  Funkadelic’s ‘Take your Dead Ass Home’ is a great song.

“Currently on my phone I am listening to ‘Aman’ by Bombino, a musician from Niger, who plays the Tuarig Guitar – it has a great, poly-rhythmic groove.  Another current favorite is ‘Dog Breath in the Year of the Plague’ by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention – don’t let the title frighten you –it’s a delightful ditty about a guy and his gal cruising LA and stealing hubcaps.

“Despite my wide range in music, it does not translate to any ability on the dance floor. “

Jim has a wide ranging taste in music and speaks with animation and vast knowledge on music and bands, endorsing that this is clearly a passion.

What are you most afraid of?  “I take my role as a provider for my family very seriously. I have a level of fear about “screwing up at work.” Being fired and failing to keep my family financially secure and provided for is a worry.”

What would you most like to learn? “For the past two months I have been teaching myself to play the Ukulele, mastering to date; Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Jingle Bells. Somewhat a festive note coming to play, as I am now working on Good King Wenceslas.

“In addition, more on statistics. I love data and that is, in fact, how I made the connection with Audrey down at the State. She was seeking data for reports, and I found it for her. I love working with data, mining, sweeping, analyzing all things data. I am a self-confessed data addict.”

Like music this really lights Jim up.

Who or what inspires you? “Pasquale Quarto, my maternal grandfather.  His parents came to the US from Italy, around 1910. Raised in Hell’s Kitchen, he put himself through college, married, had eight children – all of whom he put through college – and lived to be 100 years old.  He carved a career for himself in the insurance business. With the passage of time, he established himself as a trainer. Switching insurance companies and moving geographically several times, and landing in Indiana. He was a strong family man, resilient and courageous, but deferred to his wife, who like many matriarchs of the Italian family, took the lead at home.  My Grandmother wouldn’t allow my Grandfather to bring a microwave or a computer into the home. After my Grandmother passed away, my Grandfather purchased and enjoyed both and at age 90 he plunged wholeheartedly in the worldwide web and all it holds.  My Grandfather loved playing games, and one of his happiest moments was discovering that he could play Bridge, on-line, at any time of day.”

What is your favorite book or movie? “I was a history major out of Wabash College, so I love histories – I have a weak spot for Roman historians, especially Tacitus.  I’ve a fondness for mysteries, like Sherlock Holmes, and I enjoy Sci Fi too.  I am a big fan of pulp fiction from the 1930’s and 1940’s like Doc Savage, an adventure hero, a fictitious character originating in Pulp Magazines.

“My paternal grandmother, a nurse who worked the third shift 11:00pm – 6:00am, was an avid reader of Ellery Queen Mysteries. When I stayed with her, I would sit up into the early hours of the morning, as she did, and read voraciously. When she passed, I was the happy recipient of her collection of mystery novels.

“Movies I enjoy with my wife and we never tire of include, Sunset Boulevard (1950), Some Like it Hot (1959), and the Marx Brother’s movies, like Duck Soup.”

If you could talk to your teenage self what would you say? “Take more statistics, take more math.

Also I would tell me, to write more.  Writing forces you to think things through and improves your overall communication skills.  Writing is a skill set that seems to be fading today, but there’s always a need for someone who can write.”

What would you, or have you written on the netlogx before I die board? [Laughs]  “I don’t really do that. I may have written, ‘move to the south of France’, however I am not sure that is what I plan to do however, It sounds good. I am too lazy for bucket lists and enjoy living life without too much thought, effort or complexity. I am happy in how and what I am living right now.”

What do you understand by diversity?  “This is many things to many people. There is a multitude of thoughts, ideas, ways of viewing the world, and using those makes for richer, informed and improved solutions and consensus. I am a product of the public school system, as are my children, and we live in an eclectic neighborhood. There is so much to be learned and appreciated from the diversity we live and breathe every day.”

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