Living Our Values: Giving Back All Year Long

by | Jul 7, 2021

At netlogx, we live and breathe our culture. The #netlogxteam strives to take our positive culture and apply it our daily personal and professional lives. One of the great ways we do that is by volunteering time and resources to community organizations and individuals throughout the year. We believe that giving back to the communities we live and work in should be a recurring habit, not a one-time goal. 

Below are some of the community organizations that are doing amazing work. We celebrate the efforts of these organizations and are proud to support them.  

Girls Inc.

Living Our Values: Giving Back All Year LongGirls Inc. focuses on the development of the whole girl. The combination of long-lasting mentoring relationships, a pro-girl environment, and evidence-based programming equips girls to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers, and grow up healthy, educated, and independent. 

Two programs we’re passionate about supporting are: 

Young Women in Leadership

Young Women in Leadership (YWIL)  is a year-long program designed to enhance the leadership skills, college preparedness, and career development of young women in Indianapolis. YWIL prepares high school girls for the workforce, post-secondary education, and leadership in their communities. 

Eureka Scholarship

Eureka! scholars participate in a five-year science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) focused program that begins with a four-week camp the summer before eighth grade. Eureka! builds girls’ confidence and skills through hands-on programs featuring STEM activities. Eureka! fosters personal development and college and career readiness, promotes lasting relationships with peers and mentors, and encourages positive risk-taking. Within a cohort of 30 peers, Eurekans will be inspired to pursue educational, professional, and personal growth.

If you’d like to help, here’s how you can take action

Startup Ladies

The Startup Ladies is an organization that identifies, educates, connects, and increases investment in women entrepreneurs starting up and scaling businesses. As a fellow woman entrepreneur, our CEO Audrey Taylor likes to help other women entrepreneurs get their start. That’s why we sponsored a Startup Lady this year so she could have a membership with a fantastic, women-focused network. 

If you’re interested in doing the same, browse their sponsorship opportunities.

Second Helpings

Living Our Values: Giving Back All Year LongSince 1998, Second Helpings has accepted donated perishable and overstocked food to prepare nutritious meals for thousands of hungry children and adults every day, and distributes them free of charge through local social service agencies in Greater Indianapolis. Second Helpings also trains unemployed and underemployed adults for meaningful careers in the culinary industry.

Almost every Wednesday, our CISO Nick Taylor volunteers for Second Helpings as a driver, loading outgoing meals for hunger relief and delivering them to partner agencies. We’ve also sponsored classes and donated our time as line cooks. 

Learn more about what Second Helpings does and how you can get involved.

Indianapolis Cultural Trail

Since 2013, the Indianapolis Cultural Trail nonprofit, has worked year-round to maintain and improve all aspects of the Cultural Trail to ensure it continues to exist as a world-class public space for residents and visitors of Indianapolis.

Members of the netlogx Indiana-based Wellness Committee members took a half day to help clean up the trail, picking up trash, cleaning out storm drains, and more! Nothing like helping to make our community more beautiful. 

If you’re interested in volunteering, click here. Watch our video here.

Volunteer Time Off

Today, 60 percent of companies offer paid time off to employees when they volunteer. Time is scarce and many employees today feel they not only want to make a living but make a difference while they are at it. Creating a formal volunteer time off (VTO) policy has the added benefit of boosting employee engagement and a deeper understanding of your company culture. Every year, we provide full-time team members 8 paid VTO hours to donate their time and efforts to their organizations of choice. 

Helping Our Community During COVID-19

During this trying time, we’ve seen incredible acts of kindness from both the community and our team. Our managing partners Audrey and Nick Taylor are especially grateful for the carers of the world who are still working to help those around them. 

What about you? How do you give back to your community? Tell us about your favorite organizations to give back to. 

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