Marion County residents now have a one-stop place to receive help with substance use disorders or mental health issues. The Central Indiana Comprehensive Addiction Recovery Center (CARC) is now taking calls. It is not a facility, but a new “800” hotline telephone number and website.
Callers and visitors to the Addiction Recovery Indy website can be directly connected to appropriate local treatment providers. The CARC’s primary partners are Community Health Network’s Behavioral Health division and Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center, along with several other Indianapolis-area addiction and behavioral health organizations.
The CARC is one of three initial initiatives throughout Indiana that were funded by a $500,000 grant from Indiana’s Next Level Recovery program. The grant was issued to help combat the state’s drug crisis and provide improvements in accessing mental health treatment.
netlogx provided project management support to keep this critical public health initiative on track and on budget. The project’s completion timeline fell during March – June, which was at the height of the coronavirus pandemic outbreak. As you would expect, the CARC’s primary stakeholders were busy managing the influx of COVID-19 patients and ensuring the safety of their staff in their respective health care facilities.
To make sure that the CARC launched by the state’s June 30 deadline, netlogx was instrumental in coordinating virtual team meetings and managing the project’s action items. These tasks were accomplished despite the pandemic’s new working challenges going on in the background.
netlogx’s diligence paid off and the new CARC hotline number (833-533-2272) and website were up and running on schedule. The timing of the CARC’s formation has already taken on additional importance since anxiety levels associated with the pandemic have drastically increased.
Daily doses of death, isolation and fear are generating widespread psychological trauma because of coronavirus-related stress. Mental health experts are concerned about the significant rise of depression, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress, and suicide.
If you are an adult age 18 and older suffering from any of these conditions, you are encouraged to contact the CARC to connect you with the treatment provider that best meets your needs. This unique local partnership network was designed so Indianapolis residents do not have to go out of state to receive help.
netlogx is a leading consulting services company that helps government entities, businesses, and nonprofits operate more efficiently with our project management, business process consulting, and strategic consulting services. As a well-established woman-owned business with consultants across the country, netlogx leverages industry standard methodologies and best practices to support our clients and bring projects and visions to successful completion.