Supporting Team Members While Working Remotely

by | Apr 30, 2020

Last summer, I worked from the netlogx corporate office as an intern. Upon my return to Bloomington, IN for my senior year of college at Indiana University, I continued my internship and have been working remotely for netlogx ever since. I am fortunate for many reasons, one being that I am part-time, making working from home very manageable; another is that I already had some experience working from home when COVID-19 forced many workers to tackle this new experience.

When entire teams are adjusting to working from home, teamwork is of utmost importance. In order to facilitate teamwork remotely, communication is key. Over-communicating is often better. By regularly updating team members on progress (or lack thereof), everyone remains productive and accountable.

For those who are motivated by social interaction, working remotely can be challenging without the side conversations and energy of an office setting. It is crucial that these employees regularly stay in touch with their team members. This may include instant messaging, phone calls, or video conferences that give extroverts the energy they need to power through the day.

For some projects, it may be necessary for team members to participate in daily or weekly checkpoints, ensuring that each member is doing their part and addressing any concerns. When team members are not working in the same office, projects and deadlines can start falling behind without proper communication and teamwork.

The first few weeks of my remote internship were not easy for me. I was struggling to balance my internship with a full course load, another job as a teaching assistant on campus, and a social life. Many workers are balancing their jobs while adjusting to children doing school from home, roommates also working from home, and other drastic schedule changes.

Teamwork can provide more than just accountability for work projects. Team members can unite to share common struggles, adjust together, and learn from one another. The support of a colleague who had prior experience working from home while attending college helped me tackle the first few weeks of my remote internship. Seeking out guidance from colleagues and mentors is crucial for these kinds of major adjustments.

I am grateful for the netlogx team who has made my working from home experience as easy as possible. My supervisors communicate clear expectations, check in often, and provide support and affirmation that keeps my motivation high. Without the strong foundation of teamwork that is instilled in the culture of netlogx, working remotely would have been a much more difficult adjustment.

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