The Four Stages of Information Management

by | Jul 17, 2020

Information management could be a task or responsibility a client assigns to a vendor for a project, but what does information management mean? The words information management mean exactly that, managing information. This means that individuals, vendors, and stakeholders are responsible for the managing of a client’s information, which could be a variety of different types of information such as data, requirements, reference materials, etc. However, the task of information management includes gathering, storing, distributing, and deleting information on behalf of a client.

The first stage of information management is the gathering of a client’s information, which could be achieved through knowledge transfers, whiteboarding, and requests for information from stakeholders.

Storing information is the second stage of information management, where a vendor is responsible for safely and securely storing a client’s information while also maintaining it. Securely storing a client’s information is critical to any project, as every client will have sensitive or confidential information. Storing information also includes managing who has access to this information.

The third stage of information management is the distribution of a client’s information. An example of distributing information could be through distributing meeting notes or key project documentation to the appropriate individual(s). When distributing information, a vendor should take the appropriate measures to secure sensitive or confidential information, such as personal health information or personally identifiable information by utilizing a data protection solution.

Finally, deleting a client’s information is the fourth stage of information management. Each client will have specific instructions for a vendor when deleting or destroying information. In some instances, such as a nonconfidential email, the information may simply need to be deleted, in other instances, for sensitive or confidential information, more deletion measures should be taken to ensure the sensitive information has been properly deleted and removed from traceable sources.

Each of these steps, gathering, storing, distributing, and deleting are critical when responsible for a client’s information management. Taking these steps will help your client manage their information in a proper and secure way.

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