Many of our clients use business process mapping and re-engineering (BPMR) in the context of large-scale technology implementations—and for good reason. When you are considering large changes to your organization’s systems and solutions, BPMR is critical to ensure you have a strong understanding of both the As Is processes (what your organization does today) and the To Be processes (how your organization envisions operating in the future). Well-documented business processes lay the foundation for comprehensive, thorough, and complete requirements which are vital for any large project.
However, a business process mapping exercise can often uncover immediate opportunities and Quick Wins which can be implemented with minimal cost and time.
Quick Wins are a great opportunity to both provide immediate value to the organization and to build momentum and enthusiasm for future initiatives. Here are some common types of Quick Wins for you to look for in your organization.
Training Opportunities
We often hear that current software solutions do not meet the needs of the end user. While this may be true, in some instances, users do not understand the functionality available or have never received the training they need to do their job effectively.
Similarly, there may be situations which are ambiguous or had not been previously considered. By discussing and defining the correct procedure, organizations can create job aids and updated process documentation. This helps the end user by providing guidance and allowing them to more efficiently complete tasks.
Minor Process and Policy Modification
“We’ve always done it that way” is a common response when examining current practice and policy. In some cases, business processes evolve in response to system or organizational limitations which are no longer in place. Workarounds established to temporarily circumvent a problem or issue may eventually become standard.
When conducting a business process mapping exercise, it’s common to find minor process modifications that can be made with little to no system changes. Often these are manual or duplicative steps which may be eliminated as non-value added activities.
It’s also common to discover that the way policy believes a process works is not necessarily what actually happens. There may be situations that were not originally thought of, or there may be procedural challenges that result in policy conflicts. Either way, reviewing and potentially updating the policy that corresponds with a given business process will allow both policy and operational staff to better understand the correct approach.
Reuse Existing Technology, Resources, and Best Practices
Some organizations, particularly large ones, may be segmented and use varying technologies and resources in different areas. A holistic view of the organization is helpful to identify items which may be better leveraged across the organization.
If one area has a solution or approach which works well, it may be worth evaluating opportunities to reuse in another department. Promoting knowledge transfer across business units is key to ensure that the organization is appropriately using its existing resources.
For more information about netlogx Process Management services and identifying quick wins within your own organization, please contact us.

Sara is a Consultant with experience in business process mapping and analysis.