To streamline processes and ensure proper management, it’s very beneficial to have an outside vendor perform a state’s Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) State Self-Assessment (SS-A), compile documents, and track information. A MITA subject matter expert (SME) will make unbiased recommendations based on documentation received by the state. Sometimes when an assessment is done in-house, a state may be assessed at a higher maturity level than they have actually achieved.
At netlogx, we take MITA State Self-Assessments to the next level. We have a significant track record in MITA SS-A Data and Information Management. Our Project Portfolio Management and Project Management disciplines have been recognized by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
We marry MITA State Self-Assessments to statistical and mathematical analysis and business process modeling of LEAN/Six Sigma. This allows netlogx to help States develop accurate business process baselines, appropriate and applicable performance measures, and high-value process improvement. We have extensive RFP development and procurement experience that can guide you through the entire procurement cycle.
netlogx can help you get the very best out of the advanced planning document (APD) process. We enable state employees to perform their daily functions while also alleviating work through tracking APDs, improvements to maturity levels for enhanced funding, and more. We’ve also developed a MITA tool to assist with the process. Data that is entered into this MITA tool produces a gap analysis to show what system improvements are needed to move to the next maturity level. Some of the data input into this tool are:
- As-is maturity levels
- Business Architecture
- Information Architecture
- Technical Architecture
- Supporting documentation
Every state should invest in MITA services. While it can be very cumbersome, it’s worth the time to produce accurate information for enhanced funding from CMS. Experience has shown us that having uncomfortable CMS conversations upfront is worth it. If you inform them of any issues that may be occurring or information that may have been provided prematurely, they are more likely to work with you rather than against you to come to a resolution.
Let us help you break down the systems and process silos that cost time, effort and money to deal with every day. It’s time to work smarter not just harder. Contact us today!

Tabatha is a Consultant with over 20 years of experience in various office positions. In her previous positions, Tabatha worked mostly in the field of construction, real estate, community services, automotive, and sales.