On 5/12/2022, I took the day off to volunteer for a great cause. I volunteered my time to load, move, and unload a trailer full of food.
A little bit about it and how it all came to fruition.
A friend of mine owns a local real estate office and was contacted by a friend of hers that is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Utah. Her friend had told her that her church in Utah was donating 40,000 pounds of food, and there would be ten (10) lucky recipients…each receiving 4,000 pounds of food. Eaton Rapids (my hometown, where I currently live, AND the ONLY Eaton Rapids on earth) was selected for two (2) of those spots – 8,000 pounds total of food for our town with a population of approximately 7,000 people.
4,000 pounds of food went to the Tiny Pantries. For those of you who do not know what these are, they are tiny yellow, enclosed stands, scattered throughout town that people donate to and where those in need can go get food when they need it. There are three (3) in our little town. Take one (1) thing from the pantry, take it all, no judgment. It’s whatever you need. I typically donate when we have a BOGO deal or 10 for $10. Most recently, I donated three (3) ham dinners!

4,000 pounds of food also went to Heart and Hands – this is a food pantry for those in the Eaton Rapids School District. The link is included above if you would like more information.
There were numerous volunteers! It was quite the sight! Half of our Cross Country Team showed up to assist! I couldn’t be prouder of being a Greyhound (mascot). #We are ER!

Tabatha is a Consultant with over 20 years of experience in various office positions. In her previous positions, Tabatha worked mostly in the field of construction, real estate, community services, automotive, and sales.