Looking back over 2019, personally it has been a roller-coaster. One of my main take-aways will be to try and make the most of everyday. We sometimes have a tendency to “save things for best” whether that be clothing, expensive crockery that is only dusted off once or twice a year, waiting to read a good book until you have time, starting an exercise routine mañana or delaying doing something off your bucket list until “the time is right”.
This year we introduced the bucket list initiative at netlogx to encourage team members to do something they’ve always wanted to – and receive a bonus after doing so! We value how hard our team work and want to help ensure they are able to disconnect and enjoy a healthy work-life balance. With that in mind, we wanted to encourage employees to spend their “bucket list bonus” doing something they had always wanted to and in doing so be able to check that item off their bucket list! This gained excellent traction with our intrepid team – from skydiving to climbing mountains, visiting new places or spending time at a special event with loved ones, each story is special. It has certainly inspired me to push myself in 2020 and to live life to the fullest.
Life as we know it can change in a heartbeat – don’t take things for granted and although it is an old cliché, don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today – especially when it comes to your well-being!

Vicki Chabot is the Chief Human Resources Office for netlogx. With a passion for people and streamlined process, over the past decade, Vicki’s strategic HR leadership has fostered an award-winning culture, including a ten-time designation as a Best Places to Work in Indiana company, as well as numerous awards for the netlogx’ Intern Development Program she created.
Having enjoyed a diverse career path, Vicki began her journey working at a Fortune 50 company as a technical helpdesk analyst, where she progressed to a number of team leader positions, including managing a multilingual, international helpdesk. Vicki went on to manage an international team working for a multinational gas and oil company, as well as teaching high school Spanish and French. Vicki graduated from the University of Liverpool with honors and obtained a postgraduate Certificate in Education from Edge Hill University.