Information Lifecycle Management

by | Feb 2, 2023

Organizing loads of data is a big ask. Even small organizations need lots of digital storage to keep all their information in the right place. Fortunately, netlogx’ information management process is the key to streamlining your data. Over the years, we’ve worked with all kinds of clients—from first-timers asking what information management is to companies hoping to revamp their approach. Let us know the specifics of your organization, and we’ll explain how the netlogx approach can help you. 

What Is Information Lifecycle Management? 

Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) is the practice of applying policies to the management of information throughout its life. ILM includes every phase from the creation of a document or record to its destruction.  Records are defined as any kind of document or information, but may also refer to associated documents, such as business transactions or information used to satisfy a business need. Each stage of their lifecycle may include a change of format to ensure easier access or more secure storage. All in all, ILM is used to align the business value of information with the infrastructure.

Get to Know the Stages of a Document’s Life

Document Lifecycle Management (DLM) supports the complete lifecycle of documents. DLM is strongly influenced by the application area and represents an easy way to integrate ILM components. Here’s what you should include in your information management plan to ensure a complete lifecycle: 

  1. Capture or Creation—Once data enters your database, it begins its lifecycle.  This stage is as easy as a simple upload of documents to your system.
  2. Storage—Depending on business needs, you may need to develop new data management processes. Or if you’re lucky, you may already have systems in place for storing documentation. Introducing streamlined and designated storage spaces allow for easily accessible documents and information.
  3. Usage and Utilization—Once data is securely stored and is available to be accessed, create processes to generate information and distribute it internally. Making the most of your data means simplifying business decisions. 
  4. Archival and Deletion—Archiving old records is a very important step in the ILM and promotes good information risk management. When documents or information is no longer needed, it should be archived to eliminate clutter from your system.  In many cases, the data can (and should) be destroyed, particularly when dealing with confidential information.

Don’t Take Risks With Your Data

Now that you have the details on Information Lifecycle Management, it’s time to put those ideas into practice. With some help from netlogx, you’ll see your data seamlessly through all four phases. Our management consulting professionals have years of experience and can ensure your data is being created, used, and archived properly. Get in touch with us to request a consultation

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