The initiatives that make netlogx a home away from home.

As a ten-time winner of Best Places to Work in Indiana, we know that for our people to be the best they can be when they’re working with your company, they need to be happy.

We’ve developed these initiatives to make netlogx a place where people want to come to work and stay with us for the long term.

Whether planned or spontaneous, appreciation and recognition are a part of our culture at netlogx. From random appreciation lunches and breakfasts, to regularly recognizing team members via SPOT awards and sharing client feedback company-wide, our team knows we appreciate their hard work.

If you want to join our award-winning Intern Development Program and gain key skills in a fast-paced work environment to help kick-start your professional development, then we want to inspire you to go further!

Outside the netlogx office is a wall, and on that wall are written the hopes, dreams, fears and wonders of our people and our business community who’ve seen it.

It’s a place for our team members to complete the sentence ‘Before I die I want to…’ in whichever way they see fit. What’s written on the ‘Before I Die’ wall?

The public space doubles as an art project. Its first version was created by artist Candy Chang, with ours being one of many Before I Die walls that are now dotted around the world in more than 30 countries.

These walls offer a glimpse into the way our communities feel at a specific point in history and we’d love you to contribute to our wall.

Tell us what’s on your mind, what makes you happy or what keeps you awake at night. Use the wall to connect with your colleagues, as we find out from people across Indiana what they want to do before they die.

Each entry on the wall is recorded on the project’s website. Please visit for more information.

Many thanks to Nick Taylor, Stephanie Sponsel and Pete Ganka for their hard work and inspiration in making netlogx’ Before I Die wall a reality.

netlogx knows how important it is to communicate as a team. We keep our team members up to date through:

  • Friday Feedback: A weekly dose of fun, news, and information.
  • Monthly Internal Newsletters: A monthly internal digest of all the latest and greatest netlogx news.
  • Team Building Meetings: Each month, the entire netlogx team meets for a half-day team meeting to partake in professional development and collaboration. Twice a year, leadership flew all our remote team members to our headquarters in Indianapolis to meet in-person.

The netlogx Fast Track Development program is a unique opportunity designed typically for recent college graduates or individuals looking to make a career change.  Associates of the program rotate through different projects and roles over the course of eighteen (18) months to three (3) years, allowing them to gain experience in different areas of the company. Learn more about our Fast Track Development Program.

Recognition is an important part of netlogx’ culture and one of our Operating Principles.  netlogx utilizes the following awards to recognize achievements: 

  • Anniversary Award: Team members receive this award after completing ten years with netlogx. Their photo goes up in the corporate office signed by team members.
  • Chabotwsie Award: This award is presented by Chief Human Resources Officer annually to the team member who consistently meets internal deadlines, goes above and beyond to respond to any requests from the Chief HR Officer and/or the internal team, and is a team player and participates in netlogx team activities and meetings. This person is a fully-engaged team member who consistently exemplifies the netlogx Operating Principles. A traveling award is given to the winner in the form of a wooden star that lights up.
  • Charity Awards: We have given charitable donations to the winning teams as awards for various team-building competitions such as a company-wide Dragons Den competition, the British version of Shark Tank.
  • Hobnob Award: Presented by CEO and British-born Audrey Taylor based on the British “biscuit” (aka cookie) popular for its durability and strength to hold up in hot tea when dunked without falling apart. Characteristics demonstrated by the nominees are resilience, being a strong team player, versatility, flexibility and commitment to the cause. 
  • Flashlight Award: This is an ad-hoc award presented to team members who go far above expectations by putting extra hours in to get the job done. For example, a team member was awarded this who stayed after hours at a client site when the main lights had been switched off and continued to work in semi-darkness until the deliverable was completed.
  • Gratitude Journal: This is an opportunity for team members to express their gratitude for writing something for which they are grateful about another team member. The journal entries are then shared at team member meetings.
  • Random Acts of Kindness: As the name implies, team members recognize one another quarterly for going out of their way for doing small random acts of unexpected kindness. Previous Random Acts of Kindness have been for things such as surprising a team member with a Starbucks coffee or bringing flowers into the office.
  • Rita Malone Award: Team members are periodically awarded a Rita doll (from the movie Flushed Away, Rita is a feisty red-haired English leading lady) for showing excellent Outreach capabilities.
  • Spot Awards: These awards are given to team members who go above and beyond. Any team member may nominate another team member for a Spot award and nominees are recognized at our quarterly team meetings and in the monthly newsletter team members also receive a gift card.
  • Spottie Award: This award is given to team members who receive several Spot Awards at one time. They receive a special spotted mug at the team meeting.
  • Anniversary Award: Team members receive this award after completing ten years with netlogx. Their photo goes up in the corporate office signed by team members.
  • Wellness Award: Team members who win the various step challenges each month receive additional Wellness Reimbursement dollars and are recognized with a netlogx Wellness postcard.

At netlogx we endeavor to live by the following Operating Principles:

Our operating principles form part of our overall strategic plan. Each month we focus on a different operating principle and have plenty of visual reminders throughout our corporate office, in our team building meeting, and in the communications that we send out to keep them at the forefront of our minds.

At netlogx, we believe that it’s never too late to learn something new. As part of our strive towards continual improvement, we launched a formal training program in 2013. We revise the program annually to make sure that we’re offering the most appropriate support to our team.

In 2018 we were delighted to launch our Learning Management System to help consolidate and have all our training materials in one central repository.

Our team can take part in anything from classroom-based Green Belt Six Sigma training to independent self-study as well as a whole host of interactive professional skills training sessions.

Team members are also encouraged to share their knowledge at brown bag ‘lunch-and-learn’ sessions.

Here are just a few of the many training sessions we offer:

  • Effective communication
  • Stress management and achieving work-life balance
  • Managing expectations
  • Accountability
  • Leadership skills
  • Social Media
  • Personal and professional branding
  • Decision-making and problem-solving
  • Financial planning
  • Time management
  • Persistence and perseverance
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Trainings related to all our core service offerings
  • Personality assessment

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has learned some shocking statistics about the American workforce.

  • 59% of employees do not get adequate exercise
  • At least 50% have high cholesterol
  • 27% have cardiovascular disease
  • More than a quarter are overweight by more than 20%
  • 24% have high blood pressure

netlogx recognizes these challenges, which is why we’ve provided a comprehensive Wellness Program for our team members since 2013.

We help our people reach their goals. Whether it’s weight loss, stopping smoking, getting fit or managing stress, we’re here to help.

The Wellness Committee, which meets every month, finds ways of creatively increasing awareness of wellness-related issues. Here are just some of their ideas to get netlogx healthier and happier:

Wellness Reimbursement Dollars: Each full-time employee gets an extra $150 a year to spend on wellness. It can be used on anything from hiking boots to healthy cookbooks!

Guest Speakers: Wellness-related guest speakers are regularly invited to attend team building meetings to help promote healthy living and wellness.


Team Step Challenges: Team members are invited to sign up for friendly competitions to increase their daily activity. They can do this in a variety of activities such as taking stairs rather than the elevator, parking further from the building, and meeting to walk in groups before or after work. netlogx also reimburses all new team members towards the cost of a basic FitBit or Apple Watch.

Water Challenge: Encouraging team members to record how much water they consume in a day to ensure they are drinking enough.

Mindful Moments: Encouraging team members’ emotional well-being through a series of challenges.

Wellness-related Communications

Team Building Meetings: Once every quarter one of our company-wide team building meetings is dedicated to wellness. This may be via an external guest speaker invited to attend to help promote an aspect of healthy living or a netlogx team member.

Internal Company-wide Communications: Every monthly internal newsletter and weekly update contain wellness tips or healthy recipes to help reaffirm our commitment to our team members’ wellbeing.

Team Building: The Wellness Committee hosts periodic team building events such as netlogx team members participating in half marathons, wellness walks, walking lunches or, more recently, volunteering to help clean up a section of downtown Indianapolis.

Interested in becoming a part of the #netlogxteam?

Learn about our open positions and benefits.